Thursday, August 7, 2008

Whatever happened to us??

So it's an ordinary Wednesday August night. The breeze is making the humidity somewhat standable. There's a family of Red Sox fans down the row from us. There's more in the row right behind us. A man across the aisle is yelling at Mike Aviles, trying to change his positioning. Surprisingly, it's not working.

The Red Sox score eight total runs, and every time the place erupts. During the Royals' measley two runs, the Royals fans- outnumbered in their own stadium- cheer louder than usual to match the noise made by the Boston fans.

The Royals shuffle through the remaining innings. The Red Sox fans are having a heck of a time. After the top of the ninth, Jonathon Papelbon jogs in from the left field bullpen. Before anything has been annouced, the majority of the stadium is on their feet and cheering for the guy, several thousand miles away from where he usually plays.

Over the weekend, the Royals played the White Sox. There were just was many Sox fans there as Royals fans.

The Twins are coming in this weekend, and they ALWAYS have alot of fans.

Surely all these people aren't coming in from Chicago and Boston and New York, when the Yankees come and it's nearly sold out. Have we sunk so low that member of our own city are turning their backs on us for the Evil Empire and teams in our division??

And the bigger question-- will we be able to win those people back???

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